Redefining Digital Engagement in a Cookieless World: The Power of AI and Zero-Party Data

In this contributed article, Christian J. Ward, Executive Vice President and Chief Data Officer at Yext, discusses how before January of this year, up to 83% of marketers relied on third-party data sources for personalization strategies. Now, as cookies continue to phase out, those marketers might be facing a crisis — but it could be an opportunity to create more trustworthy, privacy-respecting strategies in the long run.

FinTech Studios® Launches Apollo PRO® and RegLens PRO® Market Intelligence and Regulatory Intelligence Apps Powered with Conversational Generative AI 

FinTech Studios Inc., a leading Gen AI platform for enterprise search, market intelligence and regulatory intelligence, announced Apollo PRO and RegLens PRO, the most advanced generative AI enterprise search, market intelligence and regulatory intelligence apps that includes a “conversational chat” interface and contextually relevant “suggested prompts”, seamlessly integrated with millions of authoritative sources of web and enterprise content.

Aurora Supercomputer Ranks Fastest for AI

At ISC High Performance 2024, Intel announced in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) that the Aurora supercomputer has broken the exascale barrier at 1.012 exaflops and is the fastest AI system in the world dedicated to AI for open science, achieving 10.6 AI exaflops. Intel will also detail the crucial role of open ecosystems in driving AI-accelerated high performance computing (HPC).

Exasol Finds AI Underinvestment Leads to Business Failure, But Data Challenges Stall Rapid Adoption

Senior decision-makers know that AI is critical for their business’ viability, yet despite growing stakeholder pressure to implement the technology quickly, regulatory and technological challenges are slowing the process, according to a new report from our friends over at Exasol, the high-performance analytics database provider. Exasol’s 2024 “AI and Analytics Report” investigates the current state of AI implementation, top data analytics challenges, and the future of the C-suite given the explosive growth of data and adoption of emerging technologies.

58% of Americans Interested in Training AI Models, Survey Finds

Mindrift, a new data generation platform and community for subject matter experts across industries to create high quality datasets for safe, accurate, and responsible AI development, is celebrating its launch by releasing an “AI and the Workforce” report, which surveyed over 1,000 Americans.

5 Ways AI Could Be Putting Your Business Under Threat

The topic of AI couldn’t be hotter, with the advent of tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney posing very real questions of what AI means for the future of humanity. 35% of businesses globally have stated they currently use AI, with 42% stating they plan to use it at some point in the future. With this in mind, the tech experts over at our friends SOAX have looked at five ways AI could be putting your business under threat. 

Big AIs in Small Devices

In this contributed article, Luc Andrea, Engineering Director at Multiverse Computing, discusses the challenge of integrating increasingly complex AI systems, particularly Large Language Models, into resource-limited edge devices in the IoT era. It proposes quantum-inspired algorithms and tensor networks as potential solutions for compressing these large AI models, making them suitable for edge computing without compromising performance.

Rockets: A Good Analogy for AI Language Models

In this contributed article, Varun Singh, President and co-founder of Moveworks, sees rockets as a fitting analogy for AI language models. While the core engines impress, he explains the critical role of Vernier Thrusters in providing stability for the larger engine. Likewise, large language models need the addition of smaller, specialized models to enable oversight and real-world grounding. With the right thrusters in place, enterprises can steer high-powered language models in the right direction.

Artificial Intelligence Means Smaller Teams Doing More with Less Makes the Small Autonomous Teams Structure Even More Important 

In this contributed article, Brady Brim-DeForest, CEO of Formula.Monks, discusses how the more that we incorporate AI technology into white collar workflows in large organizations, the more that it becomes important to lean into the work structures that make humans function at their best.

Where Artificial Intelligence Is Making a Difference in Healthcare

In this contributed article, Rajesh Viswanathan, Chief Technology Officer for Inovalon, discusses how for the past year, AI was at the center of conversations throughout healthcare. While the potential for AI to revolutionize healthcare is clear, from care delivery to enhancing operational efficiencies and accelerating research, many organizations are still figuring out where to begin.