“The only thing that is constant is change” –Heraclitus.
That fact has never more true than in the ever changing makeup of today’s IT Ecosystem topologies. With IT bud- gets constantly being slashed, IT management is looking to do more with less, or as some call it, “the need to pick the right horse for the right course”. The need to place data on the most economical platform has never been so top of mind, especially in the financial marketplace. With the evolution of technologies like Hadoop, massive compression techniques and technologies, along with the falling prices of disk storage, it may seem like a simple decision to move data from database platforms to a plat- form like Hadoop, and/or to commodity storage simply
to reduce costs. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that it is the intended usage of the data support- ing business purposes that should be the driving factor in these architectural decisions.
Connecting Teradata systems and delivering data architecture to
the most suitable platform began soon after it became evident that the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) has matured, both in relevance and size in a given enterprise. The capacity, the intended purpose and the desired utilization of the Teradata Warehouse were keeping up with the times. For the business, different areas of the business required different access requirements and different sets of data. For systems’ administrators and operators, the shrinking load cycles become more frequent and the ability to backup and restore data while maintaining the level of service became more problematic. The pattern is evident for both the larger and small EDW.
Loosely put, the requirements for almost all Teradata customers who embark on Multi-System initiatives may be summarized fundamentally in two business use cases: 1) Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery readiness and 2) “Right-fitting” Workload Utilization and Workload Management—across the Teradata systems within a given enterprise.
Whether the EDW supports a multi-billion dollar banking operation or a small mom-and-pop regional Wholesale- Grocer shop, 24x7 access to the single version of the
truth is always a necessity. In today’s day and age of the ‘Internet of things’, recovery and accessibility cannot be measured in days or even hours any more. The users of Data Architecture, the business, will not allow it and the customer will not accept it.
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