New Study: 95% of Enterprises Need to Upgrade their Governance for GenAI Workloads

IDC predicts that enterprises are poised to double their 2023 investments in GenAI from $19 billion to $151 billion by 2027. But where are enterprises today on their AI maturity journey? Do they have enough backing from the board? Do they have enough compute? Do they have everything they need to build AI responsibly and safely? And do they have actual AI projects in production with a clear path to ROI? 

What The Experts Expect of Generative AI: 2023 Survey Results

Generative AI is quickly becoming a top priority for any company’s digital transformation strategy. It is hijacking conversations everywhere, from the boardroom to the dining room – we’re even seeing accelerated M&A (ie. MosaicML) to help businesses build their own foundation models and generative AI tools. As business leaders assess how to be bullish on generative AI while mitigating risks such as bias, Domino Data Lab has announced findings from its second annual REVelate survey which explored what top data science leaders and practitioners really think about the technology.

Domino Data Lab Announces Hybrid MLOps Architecture to Future-Proof Model-Driven Business at Scale

Domino Data Lab, a leading Enterprise MLOps platform trusted by over 20 percent of the Fortune 100, announced its new Nexus hybrid Enterprise MLOps architecture that will allow companies to rapidly scale, control and orchestrate data science work across different compute clusters — in different geographic regions, on premises, and even across multiple clouds.