Everything You Need to Know about Customer Data Platform (CDP)

This whitepaper by HGS Digital on Customer Data Platform Vendor Evaluation provides a detailed look at the 10 broad areas and what questions organizations should ask vendors while evaluating the CDP vendors.

CDPs are gaining popularity as a highly valuable marketing tool that helps create a unified data platform for marketing organization to enhance customer journey. The industry is currently experiencing huge growth with cdpinstitute.org claiming that the number of CDP vendors and employment have both doubled in the past year, while funding has increased by $280 million (29%). The total revenue for CDP vendors is expected to exceed $1.2 billion by the end of 2019.

Given the magnitude with which CDPs have the potential to transform the marketing industry and customer engagement, it is important for marketers to understand how this can become part of their marketing toolkit.

“To build a truly personalized experience, businesses need to capture and combine data from various channels.”

The 21 page white paper includes the following sections to provide characteristics of CDPs:

  • Introduction to CDP
  • Relevance to My Business
  • How to Get Started

Download the new white paper courtesy of HGS Digital to learn about CDPs including what a CDP is and how it works, how a CDP is important to your business and what its benefits are, and also how long it takes to implement a CDP along with costs and ROI. This whitepaper provides a useful holistic view of CDP technology and why it is of value to all businesses.

HGS Digital is a consulting and services provider that has helped marketing and IT teams within 100+ organizations with digital transformation solutions. Through data-driven marketing services, the company helps customers select the right CDP systems and implement a unified data platform that helps marketing teams get higher ROI out of their existing marketing investments.