The insideAI News Guide to Streaming Analytics is a useful new resource directed toward enterprise thought leaders who wish to gain strategic insights into this exciting new area of technology. Many enterprises find themselves at a key inflection point in the big data timeline with respect to streaming analytics technology. There is a huge opportunity for direct financial and market growth for enterprises by leveraging streaming analytics. Streaming analytics deployments are being engaged by companies in a broad variety of different use cases. The vendor and technology landscape is complex and numerous open source options are mushrooming. It’s important to choose a platform that will supply a proven and pre-integrated, performance-tuned stack, ease of use, enterprise-class reliability and flexibility to protect the enterprise from rapid technology changes. Maybe the most important reason to evaluate this technology now is that a company’s competitors are very likely implementing enterprise-wide real-time streaming analytics right now and may soon gain significant advantages in customer perception & market-share. The complete insideAI News Guide to Streaming Analytics is available for download from the insideAI News White Paper Library.
We’re now seeing critical mass for Hadoop deployments where the foundation of Big Data, the Hadoop platform, becomes solidly established across enterprises. Hadoop platforms have streaming as part of their portfolio—it is becoming easier for enterprises to add on this core capability as part of their business process. Enterprises have been asking for streaming and as a result the principal Hadoop distributions like MapR, Hortonworks, and Cloudera all have included some sort of streaming capability in their platforms. Enterprise architects are taking feature-sets of these platforms and preparing typical questions to ask to clarify his/her position before making a recommendation for procuring a streaming technology.
For the enterprise that’s decided they are going to move to streaming technology, decision makers will find the number of options in the marketplace to be quite daunting. Many organizations prefer an open source solution if there is a viable and credible option available. Open source technology is getting serious consideration by the largest enterprises.
This direction, however, requires some level of assistance because it’s not an easy journey:
- There are a lot of components to integrate and maintain
- There are skills to develop
- It’s not intuitive
- In many cases there is no UI at all
So for these reasons, the pure open source solution is not necessarily enterprise ready. An enterprise might need a whole engineering team with specific skill-sets and not every company has this level of talent and even if it does, it might not be able to deploy a team fast enough. Moreover, the desire would be to invest the engineering resources on core business applications—not the underlying platform.
StreamAnalytix is helping enterprises leverage best-of-breed open source technology and associated tools for building streaming analytics applications quickly and easily so they can get to market much faster.
If you prefer, the complete insideAI News Guide to Streaming Analytics is available for download as a PDF from the insideAI News White Paper Library, courtesy of Impetus.