Object Storage for Dummies

White Papers > Object Storage for Dummies

Object Storage for dummies is a technology whose time has come.  Exponential increases in the volumes of data being stored, the growing importance of metadata, the need for global access, and a transition to distributed cloudbased applications have pushed traditional block- and file-based storage beyond the breaking point.

Object storage is not just about adding new storage functionality. It also fundamentally reduces the complexity of how applications interact with storage. The basic object model of HTTP (create, retrieve, update, and delete) has been well proven in the world’s most
scalable and successful application, the World Wide Web, and the standardization of object storage follows the same proven model - dramatically simplifying how applications interface with storage.

Even more exciting is how object storage allows applications to express their needs along with each stored object. This enables storage systems to provide functionality that is directly relevant to the application, and most importantly, to provide storage services that are cost appropriate for the data being stored. Aligning the costs of stored data to the value of stored data is
critical to surviving the coming data explosion.

This is an exciting time in the storage industry, one of transition, innovation, and growth, and ultimately a step towards solving one of our greatest challenges - how best to store the world’s information.

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