This interview survey from SAS explores enterprise readiness for artificial intelligence (AI). Respondents came from across EMEA and from a number of industries and sectors. Their views on enterprise AI and their organizations’ levels of readiness were diverse.
Findings suggest that the vast majority of organizations have begun to talk about AI, and a few have begun to implement suitable projects. Optimism about the potential of AI was high, although fewer felt optimistic that their organization was ready to exploit that potential. This suggests that there may be problems with execution, and that delivering on the promise of AI could take longer than expected.
Most respondents were aware of and enthusiastic about well-known uses of AI, such as Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri. Few, however, could cite own-industry examples, or suggest any of their competitors who were actively engaged in developing AI, even though around two thirds felt certain that AI would have wide-ranging effects within the next 5 to 10 years.
The state of enterprise readiness for AI varied widely among our survey respondents. What was clear, however, was that the vast majority of those surveyed were discussing the issues within their organizations. Understanding of the detail was vague, and there were few own-industry use cases, but all felt certain that change was on its way, and soon.
Download the report, courtesy of SAS, that explores how enterprise AI can make companies more profitable and efficient, as well as study results that shows enterprise readiness to accept and adopt AI.
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