This is the first edition of the Annual State of Data Management Survey from Profisee. It is an interesting time to begin tracking trends in data management.
Data management challenges, whether they be around data quality, information processes, duplicate identification, or enrichment, are not new. Profisee believes that every company with more than a handful of employees and at least one business application experience data management challenges. While these are by no means new, the techniques and technologies to address them are still relatively early in their life cycle as a solution area.
At the same time, companies are transitioning from running their business on a single primary application hosted in their data center (such as a centralized ERP), to a more distributed enterprise with multiple business applications, running on premise and/or in the cloud, creating an increasingly distributed information landscape with both structured and unstructured data. Additionally, we are generating increasing volumes of data. As of now, 90% of the data that existed in the beginning of 2018 was created in the last two years. And it is expected that we’ll generate 10x that data by the year 2020. That’s 2MB of data for every human on the planet, every second of the day.
While the challenges are growing, if you talk to industry analysts in the space, they would state that the overall data management market is less than 10% penetrated. As strategic initiatives of organizations
become increasingly dependent on information, and as practices and technologies for data management mature, Profisee believes the adoption of data management will increase significantly. In ten years, we believe the data management landscape will look very different from today.
It is this change that Profisee wishes to track over time, as well give individuals a resource to help them understand what their peers in other organizations are doing.
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