Team Led by UMass Amherst Debunks Research Showing Facebook’s News-Feed Algorithm Curbs Election Misinformation

An interdisciplinary team of researchers led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently published work in the prestigious journal Science ­­­calling into question the conclusions of a widely reported study — published in Science in 2023 and funded by Meta — finding the social platform’s algorithms successfully filtered out untrustworthy news surrounding the 2020 election and were not major drivers of misinformation.

Facebook and the Power of Big Data and Greedy Algorithms

In this contributed article, Dr. Chirag Shah, associate professor in the Information School at the University of Washington, highlights how experts say Facebook has the power to squash its competition, steer American politics, and even influence users’ free will. Is Facebook violating the ethical constraints of data collection? Is the algorithm taking on a life of its own?