In this slidecast presentation, Ashwin Rajeev from Acceldata describes the company’s data observability solutions. Acceldata solutions allow you to gain comprehensive insights into your data stack to improve data and pipeline reliability, platform performance, and spend efficiency.
Slidecast: Ashwin Rajeeva, Co-founder & CTO of Acceldata Discusses Data Observability
Acceldata and its Data Observability Platform – Solving Big Data Management Challenges
In this video interview with Ashwin Rajeeva, co-founder and CTO of Acceldata, we talk about the company’s data observability platform – what “data observability” is all about and why it’s critically important in big data analytics and machine learning development environments.
Data Leaders Looking to Data Observability to Overcome Data Quality, Cost and Pipeline Concerns
Acceldata, a market leader in data observability, conducted a survey of 200 data executives and found that they have major concerns including the lack of data pipeline visibility. Below are additional highlights from the results.
How to Optimize the Modern Data Stack with Enterprise Data Observability
In this sponsored post, our friends over at Acceldata examine how in their attempt to overcome various challenges and optimize for data success, organizations across all stages of the data journey are turning to data observability where they can get a continuous, comprehensive, and multidimensional view into all enterprise data activity. It’s a critical aspect of optimizing the modern data stack, as we’ll see.
Data Quality Should Keep You Up at Night (But There’s an Antidote to Data-Induced Insomnia)
In this sponsored post, our friends over at Acceldata examine how integrating data observability into your business operations will create the necessary environment and feedback loop needed to improve data quality, at scale, on an ongoing basis. It will also help your enterprise make the most out of all the data quality best practices your data team adopts, and will also probably enable you to get a peaceful night’s sleep.