RAND AI Governance Series: How U.S. policymakers can learn from the EU AI Act

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RAND kicked off a new series of short reports designed to provide policymakers in the U.S. with potential learnings from the EU AI act on key facets of AI governance. The series, written by researchers on both continents, highlights the need for deepening collaboration between the EU and the U.S. as any regulatory progress in these regions will have far-reaching effects on the broader societal, legal and ethical consequences of AI adoption globally.

The first paper focuses on general-purpose AI models (GPAI) and GPAI models with systemic risks and how classification and regulation of these models differs between the EU and U.S. It provides several options that the U.S. could adopt to help better align with the EU on standards-setting, reporting requirements and tracking companies’ risk-management and incident reporting.

The second paper focuses on AI’s impact on privacy laws and presents options to address gaps in data protection and privacy rights between the U.S. and the EU. Among other potential solutions, the paper discusses minimizing the data that companies can collect and use and mandating audits and disclosures of the use of AI.

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