Podcast Highlights: Data Radicals

Alation Inc., a leader in enterprise data intelligence solutions, announced the debut of its podcast, “Data Radicals.” Hosted by Satyen Sangani, CEO and co-founder of Alation, “Data Radicals” is a show for business, data, and technology enthusiasts who seek to enable individuals and organizations to use data in powerful ways. The podcast kicks off with the first 5 episodes available online, as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere podcasts are available.ing a data culture.  

“Data Radicals” is for anyone interested in how data, science, and technology can help solve the world’s most pressing problems. Episodes explore how data leaders and academics are driving data culture and the role they play in changing how people think and work. The podcast leaves listeners with an understanding of how to facilitate data-driven decision-making and data literacy at all levels of an organization.

“The launch of ‘Data Radicals’ gives business leaders, entrepreneurs, and those of us passionate about data, a forum to discuss revolutionary, and even out-of-this-world ideas that can transform the way we use data,” said Satyen Sangani, host of “Data Radicals.” “My guests are cultural change-makers using data in exciting ways, and inspiring others to do the same. It’s been fascinating to dive into the ethics and business behind data, science, and technology with experts that are redefining the industry.”

Initial guests on the show include:

  • David Epstein, TED-talker and bestselling author of “RANGE” and “The Sports Gene” discusses the merits of generalists vs. specialists.
  • Bob Seiner, president and principal, KIK Consulting, dives into a conversation on forging a data culture with data governance.
  • Jennifer Belissent, principal data strategist, Snowflake, shares ways CDOs can empower data literacy within their organization.
  • Paola Saibene, former CTO for the State of Hawaii & consultant and data expert, talks through the meaning of data governance.
  • Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic, founder and CEO, storytelling with data, talks about the ways data can be used to paint a visual narrative.

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