TOP 10 insideAI News Articles for August 2020

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In this continuing regular feature, we give all our valued readers a monthly heads-up for the top 10 most viewed articles appearing on insideAI News. We’ve heard from many of our followers that this feature will enable them to catch up with important news and features flowing across our many channels.  We’re happy to oblige! We understand that busy big data professionals can’t check the site everyday.

Daniel – Editor-in-Chief & Resident Data Scientist, insideAI News

TOP 10 Articles for August 2020 (in descending order of popularity)

1. Book Review: Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras

2. Best of for AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – July 2020

3. Big Data and Cloud Computing: The Roles and Relationships

4. How Amazon Used Big Data to Rule E-Commerce

5. How Data Science Adds Value to your Business

6. How New Hardware Can Drastically Reduce the Power Consumption of Artificial Intelligence

7. 6 Ways Companies Are Using Data Analytics to Reduce Expenses

8. The Evolution of Digital Banking Post COVID-19

9. How Big Data Is Revolutionizing Sleep Science and Health

10. Book Review: Linear Algebra and Learning from Data by Gilbert Strang

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