Big Data Performance Report

Enormous Waste—and Enormous Optimization Potential

IT operations professionals operate in a challenging environment. They are expected to leverage highly complex collections of organizational big data in a way that simultaneously minimizes costs and maximizes performance. Looking to the future of big data, this job is only going to get more challenging.

To shed light on how IT operations teams are dealing with this challenge, Pepperdata has carried out a period of customer research – Big Data Performance Report. This report revealed a wealth of insights regarding the condition of enterprise workloads that lack the benefits of observability and continuous tuning. Combined with cloud computing statistics and a more general understanding of big data industry trends, there is much to learn here about the present and future of the data analytics industry.

The report draws on:

  • Data from customer clusters—immediately prior to their implementation of cloud optimization with Pepperdata. These clusters represented nearly 400 petabytes of data, on 5000 nodes, running 4.5 million applications.
  • Data analysis by Pepperdata field engineers and data scientists.

Our report reveals that, within enterprise workloads that are not optimized by solutions that allow for observability and continuous tuning, there exists enormous waste–and enormous potential to optimize workloads and cut that waste.

Download the complete “Big Data Performance Report” by Pepperdata HERE.

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