Diveplane , the company keeping the humanity in artificial intelligence (AI), introduces ALLUVION ™ , its newest AI tool created specifically for the commercial real estate industry.
“The economy is complex, and so are real estate investments,” said Dr. Michael Capps, CEO of Diveplane. “Diveplane’s ALLUVION complements the experience of the broker with economic data and demonstrates unparalleled accuracy in market prediction. At Diveplane we aim to stack the deck in favor of the investor by providing cutting-edge, patented technology to deliver a timely solution that augments our customers’ business capabilities and decisioning processes. The phrase ‘History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes’ could have been written for the
CRE Market.”
Relationships between economic variables are constantly changing; both observed and unobserved events often affect economic trends in a way that is difficult to understand or predict. Investors are always seeking to maximize their returns, but many commercial real estate firms simply lack the human capital to pore over dozens of data sets, wrangle the relevant data, clean it up and make a prediction model out of it. Diveplane’s ALLUVION understands, quantifies and explains these complexities, allowing investors to remove the uncertainties, unlock new insights and gain an edge in the market.
ALLUVION is unique in its approach to solving time series forecasting challenges, as its algorithms focus on identifying constantly changing time trends instead of simply using past observations to make future predictions. When it comes to time series problems, extra measures must be taken to deal with nonstationarity, because patterns that were observed in the past might not be repeated in the future. Diveplane’s data science team closely analyzes troves of economic data to find variables that have similarly shaped trend cycles to the item that is being predicted. With this approach, they are able to quantify the nature of the volatility and use that to more accurately capture the movement and growth of a specific market.
Many commercially available AI/machine learning solutions provide limited forecasting capability or little or no explanation for the answers. ALLUVION is different because, unlike ‘black box’ AI, it is designed to be transparent, enabling the user to review the recommendations and determine and influence the relevance of the key features used. In addition, ALLUVION is scalable and can deliver analysis from single property categories in discreet Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) to multi state, multi MSAs and even multiple property categories.
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