Composable Multi-Threaded Parallelism in Julia

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JuliaCon 2019, held July 22-26, 2019 at the University of Maryland in Baltimore, was the biggest and best JuliaCon to date. The JuliaCon session below, “Composable Multi-Threaded Parallelism in Julia,” was presented by Jeff Bezanson and Jameson Nash (Julia Computing). The talk discusses the release of a preview of an entirely new threading interface for Julia programs: general task parallelism, inspired by parallel programming systems like Cilk, Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) and Go. Task parallelism is now available in the v1.3.0-alpha release, an early preview of Julia version 1.3.0 likely to be released in a couple months. You can find binaries with this feature on the downloads page, or build the master branch from source.

For more information on this topic, check out this recent blog post.

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