ScyllaDB Launches Scylla Cloud Database as a Service

ScyllaDB announced the launch of Scylla Cloud, a fully managed version of Scylla Enterprise, the ultrafast, scalable and cost-effective NoSQL database in production at leading companies across industries including mobile, IoT, finance, entertainment, social media, advertising and manufacturing.

Scylla Cloud handles petabytes of data with ease, performing millions of operations per second with predictable low latencies and global high availability. It allows rapid prototyping, deployment and scaling of applications without the overhead of database administration, allowing developers to move high-performance applications quickly into production.

By virtue of its close-to-the-metal design, Scylla’s NoSQL database can efficiently scale up to millions of operations per second on a single 96-vCPU node, and scale out to hundreds of nodes. Scylla Cloud automatically extracts maximum performance from its underlying hardware, generating significant cost savings by requiring fewer servers for a given workload. Scylla Cloud runs the same workloads as Amazon’s DynamoDB and Google Cloud BigTable at roughly one-fifth the price and one-third the latency.

“Database users no longer have to choose between the convenience of cloud services and the ability to keep costs predictable and low,” said Dor Laor, CEO and co-founder of ScyllaDB. “Existing cloud databases are prohibitively expensive, requiring wasteful overprovisioning, and all too often they can’t meet the SLAs of today’s real-time applications. Many are proprietary top to bottom, and lock enterprises into a specific cloud service with no exit path. With our roots in open source, we built Scylla Cloud to fix all that.”

With Scylla Cloud, ScyllaDB now offers options for every type of deployment. Users can run their own Scylla clusters on-premises or in the public cloud, or offload database administration by migrating to the Scylla Cloud managed service. Teams can spin up a developer cluster for pennies an hour or a production-ready cluster of dozens of larger i3 instances across multiple regions and availability zones.

Now available in AWS’s US East, US West, Germany, Ireland, Singapore and Japan regions — with more coming soon — Scylla Cloud will also soon run on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

“Machines and algorithms are getting really good at ‘seeing’—and making sense of what they see,” said Jason Mills, Engineering Manager at artificial intelligence leader GumGum. “However, computer vision requires complex workloads that run against huge datasets in real-time, making Scylla Cloud the ideal database for our AI-based advertising platform. We’re storing all of our global ad performance data in Scylla Cloud since other cloud database options simply weren’t fast enough to meet our SLAs.”

Benefits of Scylla Cloud include:

  • Scale: With just a few clicks, users can deploy Scylla Cloud on dozens of nodes, thousands of cores and hundreds of terabytes across multiple regions and zones.
  • Price-Performance: Running at high levels of utilization means customers aren’t paying for idle excess capacity, optimizing the cost of database infrastructure across workloads. Scylla Cloud offers a range of servers as well as hourly, monthly or annual pricing options.
  • Predictable Low Latencies: Reliably performs with consistent single-digit millisecond P99 latencies, providing dependable service levels, even at scale. Users need not worry about IOPS reservation, and can access nodes extensively and frequently.
  • Flexible, Resilient Data Modeling: Imposes minimal limitations on data models, easily handles uniform to zipfian distributions, virtually eliminates hot partition problems and supports binary large objects .
  • No Vendor Lock-In: Scylla has the open format and protocols you’d expect from an open source vendor. Users can easily migrate to and from Scylla Cloud, including to their own datacenter or other public cloud vendor.
  • Cassandra Compatibility: Seamlessly migrate data and applications from existing deployments of Apache Cassandra and experience instant gains in stability, availability, and performance.

Features of Scylla Cloud include:

  • Security: Single-tenant occupancy along with encrypted backups and key management ensure data security.
  • Expert Operational Support: Scylla Cloud is managed by ScyllaDB engineers. Clusters are monitored 24/7 with automatic backups and scheduled repairs.
  • Hot Fixes: Updates and security fixes are applied automatically and transparently in a way that will not interfere with database performance.
  • Highly Available: Replicates data across availability zones within a region and across multiple regions, so there is no single point of failure. Users can control the amount of redundancy and high availability themselves in order to meet cost/replication needs.
  • Easy to Integrate: Easily hook Scylla Cloud into existing code base, with CQL drivers for Java, Go, Python, C++, C#, PHP, Ruby, Rust and Node.js.

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