Free eBook! Software Defined Storage for Dummies

Software_Defined_Storage_DummiesDownload your FREE copy of “Software Defined Storage for Dummies” today, compliments of IBM Platform Computing! This new learning resource can help enterprise thought leaders better understand the new area of software define storage in support of big data initiatives.

Software defined storage is a relatively new concept in the computing and storage industry and can refer to many different technologies and implementations. Software defined storage is part of a larger industry trend that includes software defined networking (SDN) and software defined data centers (SDDC).

At its most basic level, software defined storage is enterprise class storage that uses standard hardware with all the important storage and management functions performed in intelligent software. Software defined storage delivers automated, policy-driven, application-aware storage services through orchestration of the underlining storage infrastructure in support of an overall software defined environment. Standard hardware includes:

  • Disk storage such as SAN, NAS, and disk arrays or JBODs (just a bunch of disks)
  • Network devices such as switches and network interfaces
  • Servers for storage processing, management, and administration

In this book, you’re provided with a solid understanding for why enterprises today are recognizing many significant benefits of software defined storage in their data centers – including increased flexibility, automated management, cost efficiency, and limitless scalability.

Download this free eBook today to get up to speed with big data, Hadoop, and MapReduce. The following topics are considered in the book:

Chapter 1: Storage 101
Chapter 2: What is Software Defined Storage
Chapter 3: Digging Deeper into IBM GPFS
Chapter 4: Getting to Know the IBM GPFS Storage Server
Chapter 5: Software Defined Storage in the Real World
Chapter 6: Ten Ways to Use Software Defined Storage

Download Software Defined Storage for Dummies from the insideAI News White Paper Library.