I’d like to provide a quick heads-up about an excellent free class that is starting Monday Oct. 28 on the Coursera platform – Data Analysis, taught by Professor Jeff Leek from Johns Hopkins. This 8 week class is a robust introduction to data analysis and statistical methods using the R language. Having gone through this class myself, I can say that this course is also a great introduction to the principles of machine learning. I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to gain a foothold in this growing area. But be prepared to spend a lot of time with the coursework; video lectures, quizzes, and 2 peer-reviewed data analysis projects. You also must spend time researching many of the topics covered as the class provides a good framework for study, but you need take steps beyond that for complete understanding.
I will be a Community TA for the class and I’ll look forward to seeing many of you insideAI News readers there. Register now!
Daniel – Managing Editor, insideAI News