Many hospitals have turned to virtualization to provision high performance, secure virtual workstations using the compute power of a single physical hardware resource. That’s according to a new report from HPE, that explores how virtual GPU technology is helping to modernize healthcare data workloads.
AI is Inspiring the Next Wave of Healthcare Advancement
Advancements in artificial intelligence, or AI, are revolutionizing healthcare and leading to breakthrough results in prediction and prevention. A new report from HPE focuses on how tech tools like GPUs and deep learning platforms are changing and advancing the health care industry.
Modernizing Healthcare Workloads with Virtual GPU Technology
In the healthcare sector, clinicians are increasingly using mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and personal laptops to access patient records and more. Many hospitals have turned to virtualization and virtual GPU technology to offer greater mobility, security, and IT manageability. Download the report from HPE that explores how virtual GPU technology is modernizing healthcare.
Accelerating IT Innovation with Software-Defined HPC Solutions
As businesses realize traditional IT will be unable to support future business goals, they are leveraging software-defined technologies to eliminate data center complexity, reduce expenses, and accelerate IT innovation. HPE’s Bill Mannel explores how software-defined HPC solutions can work to push your business forward.
Identifying Health Risks Using Pattern Recognition and AI
Physicians are increasingly using AI technologies to treat patients with superhuman speed and performance, and predictive analytics will be key to delivering more effective, proactive, and quality care. Stephen Wheat, Director of HPC Pursuits at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, explores how we can identify health risks using pattern recognition and AI.
insideAI News Guide to Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
In this guide we explain the difference between AI, machine learning and deep learning, and include highlights of the insideAI News audience survey. To learn more about AI and deep learning download this guide.
BlueData, HPE Combined Solution Works to Tackle Big-Data-as-a-Service Challenges
Big-Data-as-a-Service is growing in popularity and evolving to better suit the needs of today’s businesses. A recent white paper from BlueData describes a new solution for Big-Data-as-a-Service combining the BlueData EPIC software platform with the HPE Elastic Platform for Big Data Analytics.
Configuration for Big-Data-as-a-Service
This white paper describes a new solution for Big-Data-as-a-Service combining the BlueData EPIC (Elastic Private Instant Clusters) software platform with the HPE Elastic Platform for Big Data Analytics (EPA). BlueData is transforming how enterprises deploy their Big Data applications and infrastructure. To learn more about Big-Data-as-a-Service download this white paper.
The Five Blocks of the HPE WDO Solution
This is the sixth and final entry in an insideAI News series that explores the intelligent use of big data on an industrial scale. This series, compiled in a complete Guide, also covers the exponential growth of data and the changing data landscape, and the HPE Workload and Density Optimized System. The final entry in the series is focused on the five blocks of the HPE WDO Solution.
Big Data and The HPE Workload and Density Optimized System
This is the fifth entry in an insideAI News series that explores the intelligent use of big data on an industrial scale. This series, compiled in a complete Guide, also covers the exponential growth of data and the changing data landscape, as well realizing a scalable data lake. The fifth entry in the series is focused on the HPE Workload and Density Optimized System.