Infographic: AI Innovators – The Countries & Companies Leading in AI Patents

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With Artificial Intelligence (AI) continually progressing and developing, it’s unsurprising that many companies are aiming to lead in the AI technology market – especially given that the global AI market is on track to be worth over $118 billion by 2022. But which companies are currently leading the way for innovation when it comes to AI?

To find out, our friends over at RS Components analyzed AI patent applications in order to find out which brands are at the forefront of AI innovation. Take a look at the graphic below to see which countries have been making the most AI applications and the companies that have applied for the most, as well as which AI-focused brands are making the most patent grants.

  • China has the most AI patents applications, with 4636 applications or 64.8% of all patents requested across the world.
  • The USA comes in second with 1416 AI patent applications, making up 19.8% of patent applications with offices listed, followed by the Republic of Korea, with 532 applications.
  • LG Electronics is the company leading the way in patent application filings, racing ahead with 731 applications.
  • Ping An Technology comes in second for patent applications, at 308 applications, less than half the number of LG Electronics.
  • When it comes to the number of patents granted, Intel comes out on top, with a massive 45,591 patents. 

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  1. It’s interesting that China has 65% of the most AI patent applications. My brother is wanting to implement artificial intelligence for his business systems. He should find the right technology that can help with his system.