Overcoming Obstacles to Machine Learning Adoption

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Our friends over a H2O.ai have sponsored a new Business Impact Brief from 451 Research – “Overcoming Obstacles to Machine Learning Adoption.” The brief highlights the organizational barriers to machine learning adoption from 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise: AI and Machine Learning 2H 2018 survey, asking the question: “What are your organization’s most significant barriers to using machine learning?”

After many fits and starts, the era of enterprise machine learning has finally arrived. According to the 451 Research survey, 20% of enterprises have already deployed the technology and a further 33% plan to do so within one year. These figures should come as no surprise: AI has the potential to benefit almost any company by automating and improving a variety of business processes. These encouraging numbers, however, do not indicate that adoption is easy; on the contrary, as with any emerging technology, there are numerous obstacles to success.

Obstacles aside, given the transformative potential of enterprise machine learning, every company should be thinking about its AI strategy, if it hasn’t already developed one.

Download the new brief, courtesy of H2O.ai, Overcoming Obstacles to Machine Learning Adoption,” to understand how the most successful adopters of machine learning will be those enterprises that consider the predominant barriers to machine learning and address them proactively.