How Would You Explain AI to a Second Grader?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic and articles written on the subject are often tailored to a tech audience. But what about people who are not technically proficient? How would you explain AI to them?

Cupid Chan is CTO of Index Analytics and a Fellow at the University of Maryland. He also speaks around the globe on issues of Big Data and AI. Cupid is the also founder of a Washington D.C. Meetup group called “Big Data in Action,” which often draws standing room only crowds of over 1,500 members.

Recently, Cupid gave a presentation to the group called “How do I teach my second grader about AI?” The talk centers on how you can explain AI to a non-technically proficient audience. But it also gives seasoned tech audiences a different take on what AI truly is and does.

Cupid touches on key elements of machine learning. A brief synopsis of this talk can be viewed here:

It’s important to explain AI in a way so that different audiences can comprehend the topic.

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