Infographic: The Data Scientist Shortage

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The supply of information stored digitally and accessible to web users worldwide currently amounts to around 4.4 Zettabytes or 4.4 Trillion Gigabytes. Of that information, most of it was produced in the last 2 years; more than has been produced since the beginning of recorded information from worldwide civilizations. Statistics like these point to a promising career in data science for anyone with the skills and interest to pursue this field in the 21st Century, whether one wishes to start from the first year of university or redirect his or her track midway.

Given the current employment crisis featured in the infographic below, developed by our friends over at the University of California, Riverside, even individuals who have pursued programming and technical programs at high school could be thrust into more demanding positions in the work place.


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  1. A clear and informative infographic, that has covered all the necessary items and details required for the whole data scientist query.