Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education’s Response

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Northeastern University and Gallup just released a fascinating new survey that gauges public perceptions about artificial intelligence (AI) titled, “Optimism and Anxiety: Views on the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence and Higher Education’s Response.”

Northeastern’s survey of 3,300 U.S. adults explored the impact that AI will have on people’s lives and work, the educational choices they will make in response to this economic revolution, and potential interventions from higher education, government and private industry. Some key findings include:

  • Most Americans believe AI will fundamentally impact the way they work and live in the next decade, with 77% saying it will have a positive impact. That compares to 23% who believe AI is a threat to their job.
  • Just 22% of those with a bachelor’s degree or higher believe their own education prepared them “well” or “very well” to work with AI in the workplace.
  • Nearly half (49%) would prefer to get such training from an employer, as opposed to one-fifth (21%) who would seek to upskill through an in-person program at a college or university.

Taken together, these results appear to be a wake-up call for higher education, according to PK Agarwal, CEO and Regional Dean of Northeastern University-Silicon Valley. Colleges and universities will have to adapt by designing a 21st century curriculum that empowers humans to become “robot-proof.”

Download the complete survey report from the insideAI News white paper library HERE.


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