Impact of Big Data In Mobile App Development And Businesses

Now, the big question is what makes a great app? For quite a long time now, this question has been debated among experts.

When you talk about what is crucial to the success of mobile application development, you can’t ignore the major contributions of analytics or big data. The millions upon millions of bytes of data that customers make use of everyday can be utilized by mobile app developers to design and develop better apps. Users require prompt insights into their mobile experience and moments where real-time and context gives ample freedom for a buyer to purchase, fuel decision making and allows businesses to offer their brands or services across several devices. However, in order to fuel app development by a way of combining analytics and big data, developers require wide information from a variety of sources.

Using and Understanding Big Data

Because big data is simply larger than life itself, it can offer a detailed rendition of the user. The amount of data produced by users has surpassed the petabyte level; it has clocked many zettabytes of raw data or information and this figure is growing at a rapid range. In some years to come, the amount of data that is globally stored is expected to clock the yottabyte level.

In fact, the entire amount of data created years ago is less than the unstructured data produced before those former data were created. Therefore, only the use of high-level analytics can assist in crunching down the large figure of these data and convert it to relevant information. It is much work to do but it is worthwhile. These data can form valuable information needed to develop innovative new apps and maximizing the use of existing ones.

In this piece, we will focus on how big data is laying a strong foundation for mobile app development revolution and how it is influencing the marketing structures of businesses.

Making the Customer-driven Mobile Apps

The best kind is mobile application must be easy to use, fast, free from bugs, look attractive and the most important of all, it must be able to meet the needs of users as much as possible. A careful analysis of customer’s experience using big data analytics can therefore create sufficient information to develop greater and usable apps because it will give information about what customers really want to accomplish when they make use of the apps.

Moreover, the primary source for pointing out the best ideas possible for creating new and great apps is the user experience. By comprehending the specific behavior of customers while using apps and how they interact with it, mobile app developers can realize solutions for enhancing the already existing apps and also formulate user-oriented ideas for new ones.

Big Data Fuels User Experience Analytics

As earlier mentioned, a comprehensive analysis of customer’s experiences is required for app development. Big data outlines the full details of the behavior of users which can point out vivid points to focus on while incorporating user experience in app development. Then, the complete needs and want of users will be relayed through analyzing their collective behaviors in regards to the app.

In addition, this can make the development of new app possible. Mobile app developers can realize new ideas of making new apps exactly how the user wants it by analyzing the big data behind the apps that are similar to the one that is to be created.

For example, developers could analyze the top rated apps in wellness and fitness if they want to create a similar app. They could analyze apps like Argus, Runkeeper, Fitstar Personal Trainer and understand what the users really want to do with their apps. Then they can include the innovative features such as pedometers, calories counter and so on, to make their app more usable and enjoyable to the intended users.

New Age of Marketing

Business intelligence and big data are transforming the path to knowledge based mobile app design where product marketers try to find a link between email platforms and mobile apps. Some well-known marketers that are acting on these aspects are Sales force Marketing Cloud Email Studio, Epsilon’s Agility Harmony Digital Messaging Platform, Strong from Selligent and CheetahMail.

The capabilities of mobile apps to utilize big data analytics are vital for companies who are targeting users at a professional level. From business analyses to operational intelligence and marketing can all be beneficial.

Apple has adopted supply chain management functions in order to propel their marketing advantages. But not all establishments are like Apple, whose mobile app developers can take four days to assemble any product to the supply chain. But companies can make some efforts such as:

  • Infer, co-relate, and meaningfully assemble current events in the bid to change uncontrolled and external conditions.
  • Extract and use as much information and data as possible from a variety of supply chain points.
  • Predict the future by applying predictive analytics
  • And offer complete user experience map in a rich mobile interface.

Big Data as Crucial Aspect of Future App

Due to the large amount of users who have almost entirely shifted to the use of tablets and smartphones, the market of the mobile app is expected to reach $189 billion, exceeding the $100 billion quota by the year 2020. Therefore, developing better usable mobile apps is clearly the future of digital technology.

Mobile apps are far more volatile than compared to computer apps. They are considered to be more easy to use because of their features and simple display. Users showing great interest on those special features are absolutely important. Analyzing big data is the most efficient way to obtain information equally making it a huge investment for businesses.

As we have just seen in this piece, big data is very crucial to the development of future mobile apps. Analytics professionals will discover new techniques to expound huge amount of unsorted data to find out more compelling features for future apps. This will propel mobile apps to be closer to providing an ideal user experience and memorable moments.

About the Author

Kenneth Evans is a Content Marketing Strategist for Top App Development Companies, a research platform for top app development companies in the world.


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