Reach Analytics Adds Automated Response Modeling Capabilities to Its Self-Service Predictive Marketing Platform

Reach Analytics, a leading predictive platform for marketing teams, announced the launch of new-to-market automated response modeling capabilities. The new features are now live and available for use by marketers to increase campaign response rates. The company also announced a redesigned user experience that makes getting insights and taking action even faster and more intuitive than before.

The introduction of response modeling means the Reach platform can now identify the people most likely to respond positively to a campaign by analyzing past campaign results in conjunction with the platform’s 600+ household variables.

The mid-market predictive platform is the first of its kind, giving consumer-facing marketers a transparent, self-service solution that automates the entire predictive marketing process end-to-end: from data wrangling, to algorithmic modeling, to profile reports and scoring. The platform doesn’t rely on a user maintaining a clean database. Users can simply upload a list names and address—or a list of emails—and the platform then cleans, households, de-dupes, and appends data. The platform lets marketers input past campaign results, build models, get responder profiles and access top responders in a couple of minutes from scratch.

Response modeling with the Reach Analytics platform gives marketers:

  • Professional-grade response models in real-time, based on past campaign results and 3rd-party data.
  • Robust responder profiles that identify distinct characteristics between campaign responders and non-responders.
  • Database scoring for creating predictively-targeted campaigns for any stage of the customer journey.

Marketers are on the hook for every dollar they spend. Our technology lets them acquire more new customers and get better response rates, with less time and money. That’s a huge win,” said Bruno Delahaye, CEO at Reach Analytics. “Our predictive platform is a true self-service option for consumer-facing marketers that comes with both power and transparency.”

The addition of response modeling significantly expands the platform’s capabilities and can be used by marketers to increase engagement rates with prospects and customers. The new response modeling features serve as a complement to the platform’s existing look-alike modeling capability, which is used for net-new customer acquisition.

When a marketer uploads past campaign results, the platform analyzes campaign engagement factors including channel, creative, special offer and more, then assigns value to those responses. The platform then builds hundreds of predictive response models behind the scenes and algorithmically regresses to the best fitting model. Based on the best model identified, the platform provides the user with a detailed “responder profile” which includes the unique characteristics that set responders apart from non-responders. Marketers can then easily score a wider selection of their database to identify the people most likely to respond to aspects of future campaigns like a certain channel or offer.

Additionally, the platform has been designed to be collaborative and works on a laptop or tablet. Response model details, responder profiles and lists of top responders are easily shareable and equipped with live commenting.

Automated response modeling gives Anchor’s clients improved campaign performance. They enjoy the modern, more efficient process that Reach’s cloud-hosted, machine learning platform delivers over traditional offline predictive modeling. The ease of use and speed-to-insight is fantastic,” said Thomas E. Smith, Vice President Enterprise Solutions at Anchor Computer.

Key Platform Benefits:

  • Control Timelines. Marketers can now create robust profiles of top responders in real-time without waiting on data wrangling or analysts.
  • End-To-End Automation. The platform offers the first end-to-end automation of the predictive marketing process for consumer-facing marketers. The platform streamlines cleansing, de-duping, appending, real-time modeling (look-alike and response modeling), reporting, donor identification, scoring and more.
  • Create Better Messaging. Marketers can improve creative development, using the platform’s detailed profiles of ideal donors and top responders.
  • Easy Reporting. Brands can access fast profiles of their customers and top prospects, while agencies can provide their clients with grey-labeled end-customer reports and access to their best prospects.

Along with powerful new predictive features, the latest platform release includes a revamped user interface. The design of the interface simplifies the predictive marketing process, so users can get profiles of their customers and prospects immediately and take fast action on those insights. The product is designed to give marketers a ‘fail-safe’ way to create accurate predictive models and export top prospects, without needing data science expertise. Overall, the platform reduces the marketing team’s reliance on external data providers and analysts—and increases their ability to drive the predictive marketing process and maintain control over campaign timelines.


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  1. Big News, Reach Analytics has been acquired by Data Decisions Group