The Math Behind Basketball’s Wildest Moves

If basketball is of more interest to you than business intelligence, you’ll like this TED talk by Rajiv Maheswaran. If you want pithy examples of what algorithms and machine learning are, you’ll like Maheswaran’s talk even more. Algorithms are necessary to the functioning of any BI software, and machine learning has been called “the new BI.” Googling those terms is useful, but a little dull. Learning about them in the context of pick-and-rolls and Ray Allen’s clutch 3 pointer in the 2013 NBA Finals, however, is fun. This talk is cool. It’s not directly about business, but apply what Maheswaran’s data about players to, say, foot traffic in a retail establishment, and you have the start of a strategy for how to drive in store traffic. [Outlined by Capterra]



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