Voyager Labs Emerges from Stealth Mode with Next-Gen Cognitive Computing Deep-Insights Platform

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voyagerlabs_logoVoyager Labs, a software company established in 2012, has been quietly developing an artificial intelligence engine that combines expert systems with deep-learning algorithms. Capable of extracting dynamic, real-time, and tailored insights into human behavior by analyzing massive amounts of publicly available unstructured data, the company has emerged from stealth mode with customers, use cases, and $100 million in funding.

After serving 20 years in the Israeli intelligence community, CEO Avi Korenblum founded Voyager Labs with a vision of making the ever-growing richness of publicly available data accessible and usable in a smart way for the benefit of all. The company’s cognitive computing deep-insights platform makes it possible for enterprises across a variety of market sectors to make highly accurate decisions, based on a previously untapped vault of information. Funding for Voyager Labs has come from prominent investors including Sir Ronald Cohen, Lloyd Dorfman, OCAPAC Holding Company, and Horizons Ventures to help finance the company’s next generation solutions for the financial and e-commerce markets. The company has R&D roots in Tel Aviv, and offices in New York, Washington and London.

Powered by our sophisticated cognitive computing deep-insights platform, publicly available data becomes a treasure trove of information which can provide unprecedented value to businesses,” said CEO Korenblum. “Despite the elusive nature and overwhelming proliferation of unstructured data, we can extract precise, meaningful insights from this data to benefit our customers.”

Voyager Labs’ sophisticated deep-insights platform has rapidly become a must-have resource for customers in the public, retail, consulting and financial sectors who have benefited from its new level of insights – used effectively today for risk assessment, crisis management, intelligence, and fraud protection.


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