The Seattle Police Department (SPD) has selected Accenture (NYSE: ACN) to design and implement a data analytics platform that will give the Department reliable and rapidly accessible data that will enable it to meet important management and governance objectives and support leadership decision making.
The technology will provide the Department with enhanced reporting and analytical capabilities relating to its operations and investigations, including the creation of system alerts to improve leadership monitoring and oversight of policing activities and administrative processes. The system of alerts will allow the SPD to make data-driven decisions based on analytics insights and will bring leadership’s attention to incidents and cases of complaints against officers, which are outside established parameters and might require further inquiry.
The data analytics platform will enable the SPD to consolidate, manage and analyze data relating to police calls and incidents, interactions with the public, use-of-force incidents, administrative processes, officer training and workforce management.
The SPD’s ability to review and report data was an area of need identified in a 2011 Department of Justice investigation of the SPD. The Seattle Police Monitoring Team supported the deployment of the system in a subsequent report, believing it “…pivotal to SPD’s ability to hold itself accountable for constitutional policing.”
Judge James L. Robart made himself very clear last August when he granted us an extension to procure a data analytics platform in accordance with our settlement agreement,” said Seattle Police Chief Operating Officer Mike Wagers. “We are pleased to announce this contract with Accenture, which is well under the anticipated costs and will enable us to deliver ahead of schedule. This new data analytics platform will improve our ability to track use of force, officer performance and early intervention, all while saving the city money.”
Accenture will manage the transfer and integration of all data sources through a robust and secure IT architecture and provide all software and system development services. Accenture will team with Information Builders and Accel BI to deliver the project with overall project management led by Accenture Digital. Accenture was awarded the contract after a competitive tendering process.
Forward-thinking police forces and public-safety agencies are deploying new digital technologies to help manage and analyze the enormous amounts of data their agencies hold,” said Jody Weis, director of Accenture’s Public Safety business in North America. “The insights and intelligence gained from the use of analytics will not only enhance the SPD’s operations, but also ensure proper management of personnel—ultimately ensuring that SPD officers meet all current and future role requirements and deliver high-quality policing to the communities they serve.”
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“Accenture will manage the transfer and integration of all data sources through a robust and secure IT architecture and provide all software and system development services.”
This is what you call a customer lock-in…. they could have done the same thing themselves using open source. Much cheaper for the tax payer.