IBM: The Optimal Storage Platform for Big Data

big-data-picA central theme of new technology requirements surrounding big data is the ability to host data effectively. The foundation of a big data technology stack is the storage layer. Despite the common rhetoric that smart software can efficiently manage storage distributed across many “cheap as possible” commodity servers, the hardware infrastructure dictates the actual characteristics of the storage and the applications built upon it. Performance, scalability, reliability, availability, accessibility, and manageability are all fundamental operational requirements, but there are often mistaken assumptions about what is needed to get the best results for big data solutions.

Additionally, the landscape of data required for analytics is evolving rapidly so how should IT architects approach choosing an optimal storage foundation for all of their data? The good news here is that well-understood traditional enterprise operational requirements aren’t changing, only the technologies that can deliver them.

A new white paper is now available that details these issues surrounding big data storage – specifically through the deployment of IBM Spectrum Scale – “IBM: The Optimal Storage Platform for Big Data.”

Download this whitepaper today to learn how IBM Spectrum Scale can play an important role in your big data environment . The following topics are considered in the paper:

  • Big data needs big storage
  • The integration of big data into business activities
  • Recommended selection criteria for big data storage
  • Advantages of IBM Spectrum Scale
  • The bigger truth

Big data initiatives are started by data scientists and application developers, who may naturally be more focused on advanced analytics functionality than on meeting enterprise IT operations requirements. Enterprises should rethink the architectural implications of their storage choices for big data because this will be a determining factor in the ultimate success of the endeavor.

Download this white paper from the insideAI News White Paper Library.