In the latest episode of “Big Data & Brews” perspectives, our friend Datameer CEO, Stefan Groschupf, discusses the benefit of organizations like the Open Data Platform (ODP) and the Apache Foundation but warns what is really necessary is a standardized API.
I’m curious if this organization can actually move the needle. On the other hand side, Hortonworks is catching up market share. Eventually, you know, there will be a reality for Cloudera, that yeah, okay, the market is pushing for that. Yeah, Apache foundation or ODP, whatever you want to call it, would make sense. It agrees on, okay, here’s how you interact with the Hadoop distributed file system and then there is an implementation from the MapR, Cloudera and Hortonworks or from Microsoft. As long you define, what’s your API, how you interact with it, then developers can sit on top of that,” said Stefan Groschupf
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