Tamr to Provide Free, Standalone Version of Tamr Catalog Tool

Tamr_logoTamr, Inc., today announced that it will offer a free, standalone version of its Tamr Catalog tool for cataloging enterprise metadata. Tamr Catalog helps enterprises overcome the biggest obstacle to business analytics: finding the data.  The company is making the Tamr Catalog tool available for free in order to encourage its broad adoption across enterprises. A preview of Tamr Catalog is available today on Tamr’s web site and a downloadable version will be available in Summer 2015.

There’s been a huge movement to democratize data analytics, mostly by providing more data aggregation to improve access ─ data lakes, for example ─ or better tools like self-service analytics,” said Nidhi Aggarwal, strategy and marketing lead for Tamr, Inc. “But all the aggregation and tools in the world won’t help if people can’t find the right data, instead of only the data that’s closest and most convenient to them.  Tamr Catalog solves this problem, with a scalable, bottom-up approach to data cataloging that truly liberates data for analytics.”

Tamr Catalog was announced in February as part of the Tamr Platform for enterprise data unification. Using Tamr Catalog, enterprises can quickly inventory all the data that exists in the enterprise, regardless of type, platform or source. With today’s announcement of a free, standalone version of Tamr Catalog, enterprises can now speed and standardize data inventorying, making more data visible and readily usable for analytics.

Tamr Catalog is a free, standalone tool that allows businesses to logically map the attributes and records of a given data source with the entity it actually represents. This speeds time-to-analytics by reducing the amount of time spent searching for data.

Tamr Catalog:

  • automatically catalogs in a central, platform-neutral place all metadata ­─ across data lakes and other structured and semi-structured sources
  • organizes the data by logical business entities(customers, suppliers, employees, and so on) versus where it’s stored (tables and databases)
  • highlights similar, related attributes and has powerful search and filtering to uncover underutilized attributes
  • provides a visual representation to uncover silos ─ to determine which data to curate, unify and prepare for any analysis


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