The topic of Deep Learning is receiving considerable play in the data science community as of late. The fireside chat video below featuring Dr. Andrew Ng offers a unique perspective on this dynamic field. The discussion took place at the Deep Learning Summit in San Francisco on 29-30 January 2015.
Dr. Andrew Ng is Chief Scientist at Baidu. He leads Baidu Research, which comprises three interrelated labs: the Silicon Valley AI Lab, the Institute of Deep Learning and the Big Data Lab. The organization brings together global research talent to work on fundamental technologies in areas such as image recognition and image-based search, speech recognition, natural language processing and semantic intelligence. In addition to his role at Baidu, Dr. Ng is a faculty member in Stanford University’s Computer Science department, and Chairman of Coursera, an online education platform that he co-founded.
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If you’d like to join us at a future Deep Learning Summit, we’ll be in Boston and London this year, as well as back in San Francisco next year. Check out the event sites for the 2015 summits:
– Boston, 26-27 May 2015 –
– London, 24-25 September 2015 –
Early Bird tickets are still available and we have discounted tickets available for Startups, Academics and Developers.
Hope to see you there!