In this special guest feature, Sunil Koduri of Zsolutionz sheds light on how fuzzy logic can add value to the immense amount of data collected by wearable devices. Sunil Koduri is CEO of Zsolutionz, a software research and development company based in Sammamish, WA with the goal of evangelizing Fuzzy Logic technology and making an impact in the fitness and healthcare industries. Zsolutionz was founded by Mr. Koduri, his wife Shalini Koduri, and Dr. Suray Bhatia who holds a number of Fuzzy Logic-related patents and is recognized as a leading Fuzzy Logic expert.
Wearables are innovative, sexy, and exciting. Sports fitness devices, on the other hand, while performing a very important purpose is just the opposite, boring, not sexy and not very exciting. Now let’s make them all part of a smarter ecosystem by making data from both available and meaningful for consumers who rely on them to stay healthy and fit.
Imagine stepping onto your treadmill and instead of “User 1”, it recognizes you, greets you by name, knows your weight loss or fitness goals, asks what you had for breakfast, how you’re feeling, how much time you have, and then suggests the best workout, specifically for you that moment.
Aggregation of devices, health history information, the cloud data, and incentives can all be connected. All of this information can be harnessed to create a more impactful fitness experience – in other words don’t just show the user the number of miles they ran, but advise them holistically on how that workout may impact their weightlifting the next day, for example; or perhaps they need an adjustment for that week’s diet as they just added cycling into the routine.
Zsolutionz is developing a patent-pending Fuzzy Logic platform Zofie (Zsolutionz Optimal Fitness Interactive Experience) that in its first application will turn ‘dumb’ sports devices into machines that learn about, recognize, and remember users, then adjust and deliver personalized fitness experiences.
We believe the lynchpin to make this a reality is Fuzzy Logic, which has the capability to accurately represent how the human brain categorizes objects, evaluates conditions, and processes decisions. Fuzzy Logic shines in situations which require computers to make decisions like a human. With fuzzy methodology expert knowledge and other sports-related Big Data can be incorporated into the equipment and then continually updated. Combining this unique capability along with data leveraged from the user’s wearables and user’s known health conditions, data stored in the cloud (and accessibility to it from remote locations) will result in a personalized and optimal fitness user experience.
Remarkable evolutionary changes are possible as more big data is acquired and then incorporated into the software through fuzzy methodology. For instance, if an individual didn’t sleep well the night before, the wearable should be able to inform the user to reduce the intensity of their exercise routine or even to rest that day based on the user’s health profile and even reward them for it.
Another example is if the wearable is collecting real time heart rate data and it detects some type of abnormality with the user’s heart rate, it should be able to warn the user to see a doctor before a serious heart condition develops. In addition, it can make an appointment with a health care provider. This type of smart, connected ecosystem can be developed using fuzzy logic
Presently the larger ecosystem is made up of smaller ecosystems which connect the user and devices to company-specific cloud storage and operating systems. We envision an ecosystem where the user is at the center and is free to choose devices, cloud storage systems and operating platforms. This is equally beneficial for the industry, company, and users. Furthermore, the user experience will be enhanced when healthcare providers join the ecosystem. This will enable users to share their health and fitness data with their healthcare providers.
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