Govini, a leading business intelligence provider to government contractors, has announced that the World Bank leverages its platform to provide open, transparent and competitive contracting through its new Open Government Contracts Platform, furthering the Bank’s open government agenda and goal of eradicating poverty around the globe.
The Open Government Contracts platform will use the power, accuracy and scalability of Govini’s business intelligence engine to connect contractors with relevant government contracts, while ensuring that all parts of the process are open and transparent. Starting with India, Govini helps the World Bank demonstrate to governments worldwide the benefits of an open and competitive procurement process.
The World Bank is proud to launch the Open Government Contracts Platform, an open data instrument elaborated in collaboration with Govini and the larger Open Contracting community,” said Benjamin Herzberg, Program Lead of Open Private Sector. “The platform’s deep analytic page views, powered by Govini, will help companies uncover market opportunities and potential partners, and open up prospects for research and development. And improved data-driven decision-making by the private sector will enhance business continuity and promote sustainable economic growth where it is most needed. I believe this is a test case for revolutionizing public-private procurement interactions by leveraging open data.”
This open data platform is part of the World Bank’s Open Private Sector Initiative, intended to foster private sector driven governance and make data freely available and searchable to promote fairness, foster innovation and expand opportunity.
We couldn’t ask for anything more than to put our business intelligence engine at the service of the World Bank’s open government agenda,” said Eric Gillespie, Founder and CEO of Govini. “Govini will enable the transparency, openness and integrity necessary for a sound global public procurement system, helping governments to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse. Through this new initiative, we are proud to support the World Bank’s mission of delivering faster growth and better public services, improving governance and reducing poverty throughout the world.”
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