YARN Opens New Doors to Easier Programming tools for Hadoop 2.0

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Big data means big business. One of the most critical assets and organization has is the data that traverses the data center, the user, and the computing environment. All of this information needs to be quantified and correlated to make good business decision. Platforms like Hadoop have created revolutionary, cloud-ready, big data engines. Still – the challenge revolved around creating Hadoop programming algorithms and ensuring that applications are delivering on key data points. This is where YARN steps up.

The emergence of YARN for the Hadoop 2.0 platform has opened the door to new tools and applications that promise to allow more companies to reap the benefits of big data in ways never before possible with outcomes possibly never imagined. By separating the problem of cluster resource management from the data processing function, YARN offers a world beyond MapReduce: less encumbered by complex programming protocols, faster, and at a lower cost.

As this whitepaper from RedPoint points out – Under Hadoop 2.0, MapReduce is but one instance of a YARN application, where YARN has taken center stage as the “operating system” of Hadoop. Because YARN allows any application to run on equal footing with MapReduce, it opened the floodgates for a new generation of software applications with these kinds of features:

  • More programming models.
  • Integration of native libraries.
  • Support for large reference data

Despite these innovations, most Hadoop software developers are stuck in the Hadoop 1.0 mindset. They’ve sacrificed a “bigger leap” to broader availability and greater usability of Hadoop 2.0’s powerful resources in exchange for early market entry. The effect for users: Hadoop still has a tall fence around it.

This is where you begin to understand the true value of visual application development tools. A new generation of “visual design” application development tools could help solve these coding challenges. By running as native YARN applications and side-stepping the need for MapReduce, some of these programs eliminate coding altogether. Other tools reduce coding by generating MapReduce code or by generating scripts like Pig.

Download this whitepaper to learn how the YARN solution directly simplified big data management and the Hadoop 2.0 platform. Critical benefits include:

  • Increased level of abstraction: Instead of thinking about classes and methods, users see operations, data, and outcomes.
  • Fast “what-if”: The drag-and-connect interface supports quick try/observe/adjust cycles.
  • Automatic optimization: Scaling and efficiency are built-in.
  • High-level palette: High-level constructs like “standardize address”, “deduplicate consumers”, or “parse names” are often directly on the designer palette.

Remember – With Hadoop 2.0, tools that leverage YARN’s less restrictive execution model have a chance to flourish and bring clear productivity gains to a broader base of businesses than ever before.

Download this white paper from the insideAI News White Paper Library.

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