Win a Free 2 Day Pass to Strata Conference + Hadoop World Oct 15-17, 2014 NYC

StrataSantaClara2014Thanks to our friends at O’Reilly Media, we have been given one 2-day pass to raffle off for the upcoming Strata Conference + Hadoop World on October 15-17, 2014 in New York City. insideAI News is participating as a media partner and will manage the contest with rules outlined below.

The rules are simple:

  1. Check out the “Why You Should Attend” page and come up with your own “personal” reason for attending.
  2. Only enter the contest if you are actually available to attend the conference.
  3. The winner is responsible for his/her own travel, hotel, and other expenses.
  4. The most creative/compelling/humorous response wins!
  5. The winner will be announced on September 30, 2014.

Submit your answer directly to Daniel – Managing Editor, insideAI News: AND Tweet your answer to @insideAI News using the #strataconf hashtag.


For those who don’t win the prize, you can still use code INDB to save 20% when registering.


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