Tokutek®, delivering database performance at scale, today announced that MaxCDN, a low-cost, high reliability content delivery network (CDN), has deployed TokuMX™ as the foundation to its real time analytics platform. MaxCDN created the new platform in order to offer its customers the ability to use its Raw Logs API and Log Viewer analytics tools to manage every request made of their MaxCDN zones.
Tens of thousands of companies worldwide rely on MaxCDN’s world-class support, flexible deployment, instant SSL, purging and account provisioning. Every day, the MaxCDN network generates over 8 terabytes of raw log data before compression. During peak times, servers are generating over 200,000 requests per second. As MaxCDN continues to grow, its new analytics platform needed to support current data volume and scale quickly based on demand.
TokuMX has given us the ability to ingest hundreds of thousands of records per second and store them in MongoDB while giving us the 80% compression required to not break the bank on SSD storage,” said Taylor Dondich, Director of Engineering, MaxCDN. “This could have been done with basic MongoDB; however, TokuMX has given us the ability to do it with less computing hardware and storage, which was part of the requirements.”
MaxCDN selected TokuMX because it provides the unique flexibility of MongoDB with accelerated speed for inserting data as well as data compression. The MaxCDN engineering team worked closely with the Tokutek support team to ensure the platform could handle incoming data volume while retaining speed of data access.
The MaxCDN analytics platform is a great example of a big data application that leveraged TokuMX to handle current and future insert rate and volume as well as unstructured requests,” said Dave Rosenlund, vice president of marketing, Tokutek. “At the same time, TokuMX ensured that the MaxCDN analytics platform met requirements for reduced hardware with redundancy and scale, minimal software layers and performant real-time query capabilities for customers.”
Watch the MaxCDN video below to learn more about how TokuMX powers its real time analytics engine.
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