Infochimps Big Data Platform As-A-Service

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Today at the Strata conference in Santa Clara, Infochimps, a CSC Big Data Business, announced its Big Data Platform as-a-Service (PaaS) offering. This offering consists of an integrated open source-based Big Data Platform, in addition to global managed services, and a new suite of comprehensive consulting services. It is the only complete offering that: 1) identifies where enterprises are in the Big Data adoption lifecycle; and 2) uses that knowledge to effectively guide them to an enterprise-wide ability to operationalize data and analytics. Leveraging open-sourced Big Data software based on web-scale technologies, a cloud delivery model, and tightly honed service methodologies, Infochimps provides both the platform and practical Big Data expertise to help companies navigate through the key phases of the Big Data lifecycle to transform vision into business value.

We’ve defined distinct phases along the Big Data adoption lifecycle where companies fall,” said Jim Kaskade, head of CSC’s open Big Data solutions. “We identify our customers’ current state, and then carefully guide them to organization-wide operationalization of Big Data insights with our proven methodology.”

According to Kaskade, one distinct aspect of the Infochimps offering is the ability to fully leverage everything companies currently have in place and then augment that with the necessary web-scale open source components to produce previously untapped data-driven insights. “Customers don’t lose any of their current data infrastructure investment, and there’s no backtracking or rebuilding. We put everything they already have to use.” The company emphasizes that it can work with any organization to bring their Big Data project to operation ranging from those with no data infrastructure to those with very sophisticated frameworks.

Since Infochimps joined CSC in 2013, industry thought leaders have speculated what the resultant combination would bring to the market. This year at Strata, company executives are offering an inside look at how the technology and Big Data acumen of Infochimps coupled with the enterprise expertise, industry knowledge and proven service methodologies of CSC are enabling companies to take their disparate data and begin deriving unprecedented, strategic insights within 30 days that lead to revenue, profits, and competitive advantage.

At Strata, Jim Kaskade will describe the state of Big Data analytics from the purview of Infochimps’ work with some of the world’s top companies, and provide a vision of what’s in store for the business landscape to come in 2014.


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