The extraordinary deluge of data in the surveillance business is being triggered by a flood of new high-definition (HD) video cameras entering the market, according to the new report entitled “Enterprise and IP Storage used for Video Surveillance” from IHS. The daily data dump is expected to more than double in just four years, expanding to 859 PB by 2017. The overwhelming quantity of information will promote the use of technologies that are designed to handle and process big data in the surveillance market, IHS predicts.
HD-compliant products are set to account for an increasing share of video surveillance camera shipments during the next four years,” said Sam Grinter, senior surveillance analyst at IHS. “These cameras are gaining acceptance because the quality of their video can be superior to standard-resolution products that formerly dominated the market. But because each HD camera produces far more data than each standard-definition camera, the quantity of data generated by the surveillance market is growing to massive proportions.”
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