The health care industry is notorious for lagging behind other prominent industries in the adoption of big data technology. At the same time, few other industries could benefit as much from data science and machine learning as health care.
The U.S. ranks 37th out of developed economies in life expectancy and other measures of health, while by far outspending other countries on per-capita health care costs. American’s spend 18% of GDP on health care, while other countries on average spend on the order of 10% of GDP. The U.S. needs better insight into what treatments work and what treatments do not work. Data science can hold the answer. It is just a matter of embracing big data to solve real problems in health care.
In this eBook, “How Data Science Is Transforming Health Care” Tim O’Reilly, Mike Loukides, Julie Steele, and Colin Hill talk about how data science is more than ready to solve a problem that matters to all of us – health care.
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