Slidecast: Eric Barton Updates Progress on Fast Forward Storage & IO Program

In this slidecast, Eric Barton, Lead Architect for Intel’s High Performance Data Division presents a progress update on the Fast Forward I/O & Storage program.

Back in July 2012, Whamcloud was awarded the Storage and I/O Research & Development subcontract for the Department of Energy’s FastForward program. Shortly afterward, the company was acquired by Intel. The two-year contract scope includes key R&D necessary for a new object storage paradigm for HPC exascale computing, and the developed technology will also address next-generation storage mechanisms required by the Big Data market.

The subcontract incorporates application I/O expertise from the HDF Group, system I/O and I/O aggregation expertise from EMC Corporation, object storage expertise from DDN, and scale testing facilities from Cray, teamed with file system, architecture, and project management skills from Whamcloud. All components developed in the project will be open sourced and benefit the entire Lustre community.

This is a fascinating presentation for those interested in how an Exascale system might handle data, and the prototype that comes out of it may well represent the roadmap to the future of supercomputing.

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