Workshop on HPC Meets Databases in Seattle Nov. 18

The 1st Workshop on High-Performance Computing meets Databases will Co-located with SC11 in Seattle on November 18.

Our thesis is that the techniques and strategies developed in the database community – algebraic optimization, simple data parallel languages, data models as first-class citizens, logical data independence – are applicable to problems faced by the HPC community as we enter the exascale age. This focus complements the Petascale Data Storage Workshop series that has been collocated with SC for the past five years, since their focus has been solely on storage for HPC as opposed to application of data modeling, language, optimization, and indexing techniques pioneered by the database community.

By associating the workshop at SC2011 as opposed to a database conference, we are asserting that the applications and platforms considered by the HPC community should drive the focus of the workshop.

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